MATH 3413 - Physical Mathematics I, Section 001 - Spring 2014
TR 10:30-11:45 a.m., 100 PHSC
Nikola Petrov, 802 PHSC, (405)325-4316, npetrov AT
Office Hours (tentative):
Mon 2:30-3:30 p.m., Thu 1:20-2:30 p.m., or by appointment.
MATH 2443 (Calculus and Analytic Geometry IV)
or concurrent enrollment.
Course catalog description:
Complex numbers and functions. Fourier series, solution methods for ordinary differential
equations and partial differential equations, Laplace transforms,
series solutions, Legendre's equation. Duplicates two hours of
3113. (F)
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Tentative course content:
- Separable equations, linear equations, applications.
- Homogeneous, Bernoulli, exact equations.
- Existence and uniqueness for first order ODEs.
Numerical methods.
- Second order nonhomogeneous equations.
Variations of parameters. Mass-spring system, resonance.
- First order systems.
- Laplace transform and applications to ODEs. Delta function.
- Power series method. Legendre and Bessel functions.
- Fourier series.
- Heat conduction problem with Dirichlet and Neumann
boundary conditions.
- String vibration problems.
- Laplace equation on a rectangle.
- Problems in circular and cylindrical regions.
C. H. Edwards, D. E. Penney.
Differential Equations and Boundary Value Problems,
4th ed, Prentice Hall, 2007, ISBN-10: 0131561073,
ISBN-13: 978-0131561076.
Homework 1 (problems given on January 14, 16),
due January 23 (Thursday).
Homework 2 (problems given on January 21, 23),
due January 30 (Thursday).
Homework 3 (problems given on January 28, 30),
due February 6 (Thursday).
Homework 4 (problems given on February 4, 6, 13),
due February 20 (Thursday).
Homework 5 (problems given on February 18, 20, 25),
due February 27 (Thursday).
[Please note the new due date!]
Homework 6 (problems given on February 27, March 4, 6),
due March 11 (Tuesday).
Homework 7 (problems given on March 11, 25, 27),
due April 3 (Thursday).
Homework 8 (problems given on April 1, 3),
due April 10 (Thursday).
Homework 9 (problems given on April 8, 10),
due April 17 (Thursday).
Homework 10 (problems given on April 15, 17),
due April 22 (Tuesday).
Homework 11 (problems given on April 22, 29),
not to be turned in!
Solution will be distributed in class on May 1 (Thursday).
Content of the lectures:
Lecture 1 (Tue, Jan 14):
Differential equations and mathematical models:
Ordinary differential equations (ODEs) of nth order,
initial conditions (ICs), initial value problem (IVP),
IVP=ODE+IC, general solution of an ODE, solution of an IVP,
mathematical modeling of natural phenomena,
examples from population dynamics:
simplest model P'(t)=kP(t),
problems with this model (unbounded exponential growth),
correction accounting for the limited amount of resources
- logistic equation
where A is the carrying capacity of the ecosystem
[Sec. 1.1]
Homework: Problems 1.1/6, 15, 23, 31, 35, 38.
FFT: Problems 1.1/29, 36, 42.
The FFT ("Food For Thought")
problems are to be solved like regular homework problems,
but do not have to be turned in.
Lecture 2 (Thu, Jan 16):
Integrals as general and particular solutions:
general solution of an ordinary differential equation (ODE),
initial conditions (ICs), initial value problems (IVPs),
particular solution of an IVP
[Sec. 1.2]
Slope fields and solution curves:
geometric meaning of a first-order differential equation,
slope fields (direction fields), solution curves (integral curves);
existence and uniqueness of solutions of IVPs: an example of an IVP
with no solution, an example of and IVP with infinitely many
solutions (growth of the volume of a water droplet in an
oversaturated vapor - see Problem 1.3/29)
[pages 19-21, 24, 25 of Sec. 1.3]
Separable equations and applications:
separable equations - method of solution, examples;
implicit solutions and singular solutions, examples
[pages 32-40 of Sec. 1.4]
Homework: Problems 1.2/5, 6; 1.4/5, 13, 21, 25,
27, 28, 34,
additional problem.
FFT: Problem 1.4/30.
The complete Homework 1 (problems given on January 14, 16) is due on January 23 (Thursday).
Lecture 3 (Tue, Jan 21):
Linear first-order equations:
integrating factor, algorithm for solving
linear first-order equations
[pages 48-52 of Sec. 1.5]
Substitution methods and exact equations:
substitution method, examples;
homogeneous equation: substitution v:=y/x
converting it to a separable equations, examples
[pages 60-64 of Sec. 1.6]
Homework: Problems 1.5/17, 23, 27, 29;
1.6/9, 12, 17, 18, 57.
Lecture 4 (Thu, Jan 23):
Substitution methods and exact equations (cont.):
Bernoulli equation: substitution
converting it to a linear equation, examples;
second-order ODE with y missing:
substitution v:=y'
converting it to a first-order equation;
second-order ODE with x missing:
substitution p:=y'
converting it to a first-order equation
for the function p(y), examples
[pages 64-66, 72, 73 of Sec. 1.6]
Homework: Problems
1.6/19, 23, 28 [set v(x)=ey(x)], 43, 44, 48, 54.
The complete Homework 2 (problems given on January 21, 23) is due on January 30 (Thursday).
Lecture 5 (Tue, Jan 28):
Equilibrium solutions and stability:
autonomous first order ODEs, equilibrium solutions, connection between
equilibrium solutions and critical points (zeros) of the
right-hand side of the ODE, examples;
stable and unstable equilibria, representing roughly the time
evolution of the system (in the (t,x)-plane);
examples of finding the equilibrium solutions
and determining their stability
[pages 92-95 of Sec. 2.2]
Second-order linear equations
definition of a linear equation, homogeneous and nonhomogeneous linear
equations, homogeneous equation associated with a nonhomogeneous
equation; a physical example leading to a second-order linear
equation: oscillator with resistance force and external driving;
Principle of Superposition for homogeneous linear equations; theorem
on existence and uniqueness of solutions of 2nd order linear
equations; linearly dependent and linearly independent functions;
Wronskian of two functions; the Wronskian of two solutions of a
second-order linear ODE is either identically zero or never becomes zero;
constructing the general solution of a
homogeneous second order linear equation as a linear combination of
two linearly independent solutions of the equation
(i.e, two solutions with nonzero Wronskian); examples
[pages 147-150, 152, 154-155 of Sec. 3.1]
Homework: Problems
1.6/63, 65;
3.1/7, 17, 19, 20, 24, 25, 27, 28;
additional problems.
Problems 1.3/1, 2, 3.
Lecture 6 (Thu, Jan 30):
Second-order linear equations(cont.):
homogeneous linear 2nd-order linear ODEs with constant coefficients,
characteristic equation,
general solution of a homogeneous linear 2nd-order linear ODEs
with constant coefficients in the case of distinct real roots
of the characteristic equation (Theorem 5);
general solution of a homogeneous linear 2nd-order linear ODEs
with constant coefficients in the case of one double real root
of the characteristic equation (Theorem 6)
[pages 156-158 of Sec. 3.1]
General solutions of linear equations:
general form of an nth-order linear equation
and the associated homogeneous equation;
Principle of Superposition for homogeneous equations (Theorem 1)
[pages 161, 162 of Sec. 3.2]
Homework: Problems
Ch. 1 Review (p. 78)/31;
3.1/33, 35, 39, 43, 45, 47, 48.
The complete Homework 3 (problems given on January 28, 30) is due on February 6 (Thursday).
Lecture 7 (Tue, Feb 4):
Homogeneous linear equations with constant coefficients:
characteristic equation;
notation D:=d/dx,
polynomial differential operators with constant coefficients
writing down the general solution
based on the roots of the characteristic equation:
case 1 − distinct real roots of the characteristic equation;
case 2 − repeated real roots of the characteristic equation:
if r1 is a root of the characteristic equation
of multiplicity p,
then the corresponding contribution to the general solution
Qp−1(x) is an arbitrary polynomial of
degree p−1;
Complex numbers, algebraic operations with complex numbers;
real and imaginary parts of complex numbers,
representing the complex numbers as points in the complex
plane C;
exponent of an imaginary number, Euler's formula
exponent of a general complex number:
sine and cosine functions expressed in terms of complex exponents
(derivation from the Euler's formula)
[pages 173-178, top of page 181 of Sec. 3.3]
Problems 3.1/51, 56;
3.3/2, 3, 5, 10, 26, 39.
Lecture 8 (Thu, Feb 6):
Homogeneous linear equations with constant coefficients (cont.):
obtaining the formulas for sin(α+β) and cos(α+β)
as a direct consequence from Euler's formula,
obtaining all trigonometric formulas as a consequence of these
two formulas;
complex roots of polynomial equations with real coefficients
always come in pairs α+iβ and α−iβ;
writing down the general solution based on the roots of the
characteristic equation (cont.):
case 3 − a pair of complex roots α+iβ and
α−iβ of the characteristic equation,
each of them with multiplicity p:
the corresponding contribution to the general solution
of the differential equation is
where Qp−1(x) and
Rp−1(x) are arbitrary polynomials
(with real coefficients) of degree p−1
[pages 179-182 of Sec. 3.3]
Problems 3.3/16, 18, 20, 23, 27, 33, 40, 42.
Lecture 9 (Tue, Feb 11):
Exam 1
[on the material from Sec. 1.1-1.6, 2.2, 3.1, and half of 3.3
covered in Lectures 1-7 and the first half of Lecture 8]
Lecture 10 (Thu, Feb 13):
General solutions of linear equations (cont.):
general form of an nth-order linear equation
and the associated homogeneous equation;
Principle of Superposition for homogeneous equations (Theorem 1);
linear independence of a set of n functions,
Wronskian of a set of n functions;
linear independence of a set of n functions;
Wronskian criterion for linear independence of a set of n
functions (the functions are linearly independent
if and only if their Wronskian is identically zero);
the general solution yc(x)
of (H) (of order n)
is a linear combination of n linearly independent solutions
of (H) (Theorem 4);
general solution of (N) is a sum of yc(x)
and a particular solution yp(x) of (N)
(Theorem 5)
[only the definitions, the statements of the theorems,
and the examlples on pages 161, 164-168, 170 of Section 3.2]
Nonhomogeneous order n linear equations and undetermined
denote the nonhomogeneous equation
by (N),
the associated homogeneous equation
by (H), and the characteristic equation by (C);
two basic rules:
(the general solution y(x) of (N))
= (the general solution yc(x) of (H))
+ (a particular solution yp(x) of (N));
(gen sol of (N))
(gen sol of (H))
+ (a part sol
of Ly(x)=ƒ1(x))
+ (a part sol
of Ly(x)=ƒ2(x)).
Finding a particular solution of
Case A:
if c is a root of the characteristic equation
of multiplicity s,
then look for a particular solution of (N) of the form
and find the coefficients of the mth-degree
polynomial Qm(x)
by plugging it in (N) and equating the coefficients of the terms
containing the same powers of x
[read the handout
(the same as the one given in class),
read the examples in the Handout that belong to Case A;
look at Examples 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 8 solved on pages 198-206 of Sec. 3.5,
and think how the rules from the handout will apply to them]
Problems 3.3/43, 51, 53; 3.5/9, 22, 24, 25, 32.
The complete Homework 4 (problems given on February 4, 6, 13) is due on February 20 (Thursday).
Lecture 11 (Tue, Feb 18):
Nonhomogeneous order n linear equations and undetermined
coefficients (cont.):
Case B:
if c+id is a root of the characteristic equation
of multiplicity s,
then look for a particular solution of (N) of the form
where Qm(x)
and Tm(x)
are polynomials of
degree m=max(m1,m2),
and find the coefficients Qm(x)
and Tm(x)
by plugging it in (N) and equating the coefficients of the terms
containing the same powers of x
[read the handout
(the same as the one given in class),
read the examples in the Handout that belong to Case A;
look at Examples 6, 7, 9, 10 solved on pages 202, 203, 206, 207 of Sec. 3.5,
and think how the rules from the handout will apply to them]
Mechanical vibrations:
deriving the ODE governing the motion of a mass
under the action of an elastic force
from a spring (Hooke's law),
in presence of a resistance force
and an external driving force Fext(t):
or, equivalently,
cases of overdamped, critically damped, and underdamped motion;
free undamped motion:
period T=2π/ω0
(unit: s),
angular frequency ω0
(unit: s−1),
linear frequency ν=1/T=ω0/(2π)
(unit: s−1=Hz, Hertz)
[pages 185-188, 190-192 of Sec. 3.4]
Problems 3.5/12, 21, 26, 27, 28, 30, 33, 43(a)
[in problems 21, 26, 27, 28, 30 explain briefly why you are choosing
such form of the particular solution, following the notations from
the handout]
Problem 3.5/43(b).
Lecture 12 (Thu, Feb 20):
Mechanical vibrations (cont.):
an alternative way to write the general solution
of the free (not forced) damped motion in the underdamped case as
instead of
amplitude C=(C12+C22)1/2
[pages 188, 189 of Sec. 3.4]
Forced oscillations and resonance:
eqiation of damped oscillations forced by a periodic external force
of the
form Fext(t)=F0cos(ωt):
in the underdamped case the general solution of this equation consists of two parts:
a "transient" part xc(t) which decays with time as
(this is the general solution of the associated homogeneous equation)
and a "persistent" part x=(t)
of the form
resonance, applications of resonance in electric circuits to isolate
the frequency of a certain radio station
[pages 219-221 of Sec. 3.6]
Laplace transforms (LTs) and inverse transforms:
definition of LT, the LT as a unary "machine"
("unary" = "with one input slot");
LT of ƒ(t)=1,
linearity of LT, applications of the linearity property
[pages 441, 442, 444-446 of Sec. 7.1]
Problems 3.6/25, 27;
7.1/7, 13, 15, 16, 17, 23, 27, 28, 30.
Lecture 13 (Tue, Feb 25):
Laplace transforms (LTs) and inverse transforms (cont.):
Gamma function and its properties,
LT of ƒ(t)=ta,
LT of the unit step function ("Heaviside function")
[pages 443-447 of Sec. 7.1]
LT of initial value problems:
LT of derivatives,
solving an IVP by using LT - general idea and an example
[pages 452-456 of Sec. 7.2]
Translation and partial fractions:
rules for partial fractions, examples
[pages 464, 465 of Sec. 7.3]
7.1/12, 14, 39; 7.2/2, 9.
Problems 7.1/35, 38.
The complete Homework 5 (problems given on February 18, 20, 25)
is due on February 27 (Thursday).
Lecture 14 (Thu, Feb 27):
LT of initial value problems (cont.):
more examples, transformation of integrals (Theorem 2, with a proof),
an example of application;
computing the LT of the square-wave function
(Problem 7.1/41 = 7.2/34, using the formula for the sum
of a geometric series)
[pages 455-457, 460 of Sec. 7.2]
Translation and partial fractions (cont.):
Reading assignment:
read Theorem 1 (translation on the s-axis)
and Examples 1 and 2 [pages 465-467 of Sec. 7.3]
Derivatives, integrals, and products of transforms:
definition of the convolution of two functions,
linearity of the convolution with respect to each argument
commutativity property of convolution (ƒ*g)=g*ƒ)),
the convolution property (Theorem 1 - LT of the convolution of two
functions is equal to the product of the LTs of the functions, without
proof), using the convolution property to compute the inverse LT
of s/(s2+1)2 (see also Example 1)
[pages 474-475 of Sec. 7.4]
7.2/5, 17, 26, 27(a), 35 (hint: write ƒ(t) as an
infinite series of Heaviside functions as in Problem 7.1/40);
7.3/3, 6, 8, 14, 27 (hint for Problem 7.3/6:
rewrite F(s) as
Additional materials:
The handout
given in class as info for Quiz 3.
Lecture 15 (Tue, Mar 4):
Derivatives, integrals, and products of transforms (cont.):
the convolution property (Theorem 1 - LT of the convolution of two
functions is equal to the product of the LTs of the functions, with
differentiation of transforms,
examples of applications
[pages 474-477, 479, 480 of Sec. 7.4]
Periodic and piecewise continuous functions:
translation on the t-axis
(Theorem 1 on page 475, with proof) - LT of
[pages 482-483 of Sec. 7.5]
Impulses and δ-functions:
motivation of the concept of δ-funcion,
δ as a limit of "rectangle" functions,
definition of a δ-function, integrals
involving δ-functions
[pages 493-495 of Sec. 7.6]
7.4/5, 7, 8, 17, 25, 36;
7.5/2, 5, 13.
Additional materials:
The handout
given in class as info for Quiz 4.
Lecture 16 (Thu, Mar 6):
Impulses and δ-functions (cont.):
δ-function δa "concentrated at a"
defined by the rule that integral of
times a smooth function φ(x)
from −∞ to ∞ is equal to φ(a);
derivatives of δa(x):
integral of δa(n)(x)
times a smooth function φ(x) is equal to
proof that the derivative of the Heaviside (unit step) function
ua(x) is
solving linear constant-coefficient ODEs with right-hand side
(i.e., driving force) δa(t)
by Laplace transform;
transfer function
and weight function w(t) (the inverse LT of W(s))
of the initial value problem
x(0)=0, x'(0)=0;
expressing the solution of this initial value problem as a convolution:
x=w*ƒ, Duhamel's principle;
determining the weight function by using a delta-function input
because in this case
[pages 495-501 of Sec. 7.6]
7.6/5, 11, 13, 14, 15.
The complete Homework 6 (problems given on February 27, March 4, 6)
is due on March 11 (Tuesday).
Lecture 17 (Tue, Mar 11):
Impulses and δ-functions (cont.):
a brief recap of what we know about delta-function, Heaviside function,
Laplace transforms, and using these concepts to solve IVPs for ODEs;
proving (again) that the derivative
of ua(t) is
δa(t) by
comparing the Laplace transforms of
of u'a and δa;
periodic functions, Laplace transform of a periodic function
[pages 496 of Sec. 7.6, 487-491 of Sec. 7.5]
Problem 7.6/22.
Lecture 18 (Thu, Mar 13):
Exam 2
[on the material from Sec. 3.3-3.6, 7.1-7.6
covered in Lectures 7, 8, 10-16]
Lecture 19 (Tue, Mar 25):
Introduction to partial differential equations:
solving elementary partial differential equations by consecutive integration;
the general solution of a differential equation
of order n for a function of d variables
contains n arbitrary functions, each of which is a function
of (d−1) variables.
Vector spaces:
definition of a vector space (linear space);
basis in a vector space; dimension of a vector space;
components of a vector in a certain basis;
polynomials of order no greater than n form a vector space
Vn of dimension (n+1);
inner product vector spaces;
norm ||u||=〈u,u〉1/2;
orthogonal basis v1,...,vn
of a vector space - such that
if i≠j;
orthonormal basis of a vector space - such that
No homework is assigned with this lecture.
Lecture 20 (Thu, Mar 27):
Vector spaces (cont.):
inner product in the space Vn of
polynomials, weight function, examples.
Periodic functions and trigonometric series:
definition of a periodic function of period p;
Fourier series of a 2π-periodic function
(i.e., a periodic function of period 2π);
the functions {1/2, cos(t), sin(t),
cos(2t), sin(2t),
cos(3t), sin(3t), ...}
as a basis in the (infinite-dimensional) vector space of
2π-periodic functions
[pages 580-581, 584 of Sec. 9.1;
page 590 of Sec. 9.2]
to download the assgned homework.
The complete Homework 7 (problems assigned on March 11 and 27)
is due on April 3 (Thursday).
Lecture 21 (Tue, Apr 1):
Periodic functions and trigonometric series (cont.):
determining the components of a vector in an orthogonal or
orthonormal basis (in an inner product vector space)
by taking the dot product with a basis vector;
inner product in the space of 2π-periodic functions;
orthogonality of the basis
{1/2, cos(t), sin(t),
cos(2t), sin(2t),
cos(3t), sin(3t), ...};
expression for the coefficients
aj and
bj of a 2π-periodic function;
convergence of the Fourier series of a function ƒ
at a points where the function is continuous
and at a point where the function has a finite jump;
using the theorem on convergece of Fourier series
to find sum of a series;
Fourier series of a 2L-periodic function,
expression for the coefficients
aj and
of a 2L-periodic function
[pages 582-586 of Sec. 9.1;
pages 589-594 of Sec. 9.2]
Fourier sine and cosine series:
extending a function defined on [0,L]
to an odd or an even function of period 2L;
Fourier sine (for the odd extension)
or Fourier cosine (for the even extension)
of a function defined on [0,L]
[pages 597-600 of Sec. 9.3]
to download the assigned homework.
Lecture 22 (Thu, Apr 3):
Fourier sine and cosine series (cont.):
termwise integration and differentiation of Fourier series
(only read the statements of Theorems 1 and 2, and Example 3)
[pages 601, 605-606 of Sec. 9.3]
Application of Fourier series:
idea of finding a periodic particular solution
(the steady periodic solution) of a non-homogeneous
linear constant-coefficient ODE by
(1) expanding the right-hand side (i.e., the driving term)
in a Fourier series, (2) solving the corresponding system
of (infinitely many in general) ODEs with only one sin
or cos term in the right-hand side,
and (3) writing the periodic particular solution
as a superposition of the solutions of the solutions
of the ODEs from step (2)
[pages 609-611 of Sec. 9.4]
Heat conduction and separation of variables:
a detailed derivation of the heat equation in R3
by using the Conservation of Energy Law and the
Divergence Theorem.
to download the assigned homework.
The complete Homework 8 (problems assigned on April 1, 3)
is due on April 10 (Thursday).
Lecture 23 (Tue, Apr 8):
Heat conduction and separation of variables (cont.):
finding the solutions
by separation of variables
in the case of Dirichlet BCs
superposition of solutions
each of which satisfies the PDE and the BCs,
adjusting the coefficients in the superposition
of functions un(x,t)
in order to satisfy the IC
[pages 618-621 of Sec. 9.5]
No homework is assigned with this lecture.
Lecture 24 (Thu Apr 10):
Heat conduction and separation of variables (cont.):
recap of the main ideas of the method of separation of variables;
separation of variables in the case of Neumann BCs
[pages 622-626 of Sec. 9.5]
to download the assigned homework.
The complete Homework 9 (problems assigned on April 10)
is due on April 17 (Thursday).
Lecture 25 (Tue, Apr 15):
Vibrating strings and the one-dimensional wave equation:
physical meaning of the wave equation
and the boundary and initial conditions for it;
representation of a solution of the wave equation
in the form
(d'Alembert's formula),
physical meaning - waves moving to the right and to the left
with speed c;
separation of variables in the wave equation
in the case of homogeneous Dirichlet BCs
imposing the ICs
concepts related to a vibration that is periodic in time and space:
speed c (unit m/s), wavelength λ (unit m),
period T (unit s),
(linear) frequency ν=1/T (unit s−1=Hertz),
angular frequency ω=2π/T (unit s−1),
basic relation λ=cT;
discussion of concepts related to the solution
of the homogeneous Dirichlet BVP for the wave equation
in one spatial dimension for x∈[0,L]:
allowed wavelengths λn=2L/n,
periods Tn=λn/c=2L/(nc),
allowed frequencies
illustrations with guitar strings;
flageolets - supressing some harmonics by touching the string at
certain positions, see the Wikipedia article
[Sec. 9.6]
to download the assgned homework.
Lecture 26 (Thu, Apr 17):
Vibrating strings and the one-dimensional wave equation (cont.):
solution of the initial boundary problem for the wave equation
on the interval [0,L) with zero Neumann boundary conditions;
sound waves in a pipe for the cases of:
(1) both ends open, (2) both ends closed, (3) one end open and the
other end closed.
[Sec. 9.6]
to download the assgned homework.
The complete Homework 10 (problems assigned on April 15 and 17)
is due on April 22 (Tuesday).
Lecture 27 (Tue, Apr 22)
Steady-state temperature and Laplace equation:
physical problems leading to Poisson's equation
and Laplace's equation
- steady-state temperature with time-independent
heat sources in the domain and time-independent boundary conditions;
boundary value problems for 2-dimensional Laplace's equation
in a rectangular domain
separation of variables in Laplace's equation
in the case of Dirichlet BCs
solving Laplace's equation with BCs
by analogy;
read the case of BCs
from the book (Example 1);
think about the case with BCs
(analogous to Example 1);
the solution of the BVP
as a superposition of the solutions of four BVPs
each of which has nonzero temperature on one side only
[pages 643-649 of Sec. 9.7]
to download the assgned homework.
Lecture 28 (Thu, Apr 24):
Exam 3
[on the material from Sec. 9.1-9.5 covered in Lectures 19-26]
Lecture 29 (Tue, Apr 29):
Steady-state temperature and Laplace equation (cont.):
attempting to solve the Neumann BVP
and discovering that the method of separation of variables
does not yield a solution;
a more general discussion of the Neumann BVP
and discovering that solution exists only if
the zeroth term in the cosine-Fourier expansion of
f(x) is equal to zero
(or, equivalently, that the integral of the function
ƒ(x) from x=0 to x=π is 0),
physical explanation of this condition as a condition
for zero net amount of heat entering the domain through
the "upper" wall if the other three walls are thermally insulated
[Sec. 9.7]
Reading assignment: Read
"The Dirichlet problem for a circular disk" on pages 649-651 of
Sec. 9.7. Here are the important steps in the derivation:
(a) separating variables as usual - looking in a solution in the form
(b) the function Θ(θ) must be periodic of period 2π,
which implies that the constant of separation of variables must
take a discret set of values;
(c) solving the equation for the functions
and Rn(r);
(d) eliminating the term with ln(r)
in R0(r)
and the term with r−n
in Rn(r) because
they "explode" as r→0+;
(e) finding the coefficients in the series expansion.
Lecture 30 (Thu, May 1):
Separation of variables in cylindrical geometry:
remarks about the physical problems leading to the heat equation
and the Laplace equation in cylindrical domains;
setting up the general IBVP for the temperature
in a cylinder of radius a and height h;
solving the heat equation in an infinite cylinder
if the temperature distribution depends only
on the radial coordinate r and the time t
- derivation of the equations for the radial function
R(r) and the temporal function T(t),
Bessel equation, Bessel functions Jn(ξ)
and Neumann functions Yn(ξ), n=0,1,2,...;
the discretization of the constant in the separation of variables
comes from zeros of the equation J0(ξ)=0;
removing the Neumann function Y0(ξ)
because it tends to −∞ as ξ→0+;
using the orthogonality relation for Bessel functions
to determine the constants in the series expansion
of u(r,t) from the initial condition
[Sec. 10.4]
Final exam:
Monday, May 5, 8:00-10:00 a.m.
Your grade will be determined by your performance
on the following coursework:
Coursework |
Weight |
Homework (lowest grade dropped) |
15% |
Pop-quizzes (lowest grade dropped) |
7% |
Exam 1 |
18% |
Exam 2 |
18% |
Exam 3 |
18% |
Final Exam |
24% |
It is absolutely essential to solve the assigned homework problems!
Homework assignments will be given regularly throughout the semester
and will be posted on this web-site. The homework will be due at the start
of class on the due date. Each homework will consist of several problems,
of which some pseudo-randomly chosen problems will be graded. Your lowest
homework grade will be dropped.
Your homework should have your name clearly written on it,
and should be stapled.
No late homeworks will be accepted!
Short pop-quizzes will be given in class at random times; your lowest
quiz grade will be dropped. Often the quizzes will use material that
has been covered very recently (even in the previous lecture),
so you have to make every effort to keep up with the material and to
study the corresponding sections from the book right after they have
been covered in class.
There will be three in-class midterms and a comprehensive in-class
final exam.
Tentative dates for the midterms are
February 11 (Tuesday), March 13 (Thursday),
and April 24 (Thursday).
The final exam is scheduled for May 5 (Monday), 8:00-10:00 a.m.
All tests must be taken at the scheduled times,
except in extraordinary circumstances.
Please do not arrange travel plans that prevent you
from taking any of the exams at the scheduled time.
You are required to attend class on those days when an
examination is being given; attendance during other class periods is also
strongly encouraged.
When you are in class, do your best to follow, take notes,
feel free to ask questions at any time.
Using computers, phones, iPads, and other electronic
equipment in class is not allowed
(unless you are using them to take notes).
You are fully responsible for the
material covered in each class, whether or not you attend.
Make-ups for missed exams will be given only if
there is a compelling reason for the absence,
which I know about beforehand
and can document independently of your testimony
(for example, via a note or a phone call from a
doctor or a parent).
You should come to class on time; if you miss a quiz
because you came late, you won't be able to make up for it.
Useful links:
Policy on W/I Grades :
From January 13 to January 27, you can withdraw
from the course without record of grade.
From January 28 to March 28, you can withdraw
from the course with an automatic "W".
From March 31 to May 2 you may petition to the Dean
to withdraw and receive a "W" or "F" grade
according to your standing in the class.
(Such petitions are not often granted.
Furthermore, even if the petition
is granted, I will give you a grade
of "Withdrawn Failing" if you are
indeed failing at the time of your petition.)
Please check the dates in the Academic Calendar!
The grade of "I" (Incomplete)
is not intended to serve as
a benign substitute for the grade of "F".
I only give the "I" grade
if a student has completed the majority
of the work in the course
(for example everything except the final exam),
the coursework cannot be completed
because of compelling and verifiable problems
beyond the student's control, and the student expresses a clear
intention of making up the missed work as soon as possible.
Academic Misconduct: All cases of suspected academic misconduct will
be referred to the Dean of the College of Arts and Sciences for prosecution
under the University's Academic Misconduct Code. The penalties can be quite
severe. Don't do it!
For details on the University's
policies concerning academic integrity see the
Student's Guide to Academic Integrity
at the
Academic Integrity web-site.
For information on your rights to appeal charges
of academic misconduct consult the
Academic Integrity Code.
Please check out the web-site of the
OU Student
Conduct Office.
Students With Disabilities:
The University of Oklahoma is committed to providing reasonable accommodation
for all students with disabilities. Students with disabilities who require
accommodations in this course are requested to speak with the instructor
as early in the semester as possible. Students with disabilities must be
registered with the Office of Disability Services prior to receiving
accommodations in this course. The Office of Disability Services is located
in Goddard Health Center, Suite 166: phone 405-325-3852 or TDD only
Good to know: