Fall 2012, Math 2443, Calculus IV
Here is a link to the syllabus for the course.
Homework Assignments:
Assignment 1 (Due 8/27): Section 15.1 #6,7,12,14,17,19,30,32,40,44,55-60,61
Assignment 2 (Due 8/31): Section 15.2 #6,9,11,12,15,17,18,19,20,30,31,33,37,39,41
Assignment 3 (Due 9/7): Section 15.3 #15,19,21,25,27,31,35,40,45,46,49,61,64,65,84,87,93
Section 15.4 #1,4,5,6,13,16,19,25,26,31,34,40,41
Assignment 4 (Due 9/14) Section 15.5 #1-15 odd, 24,25,35,38,42,47
Section 15.6 #5-23 odd, 33,35,44,52,55
Assignment 5 (Due 9/21) Section 15.7 #3-17 odd, 29-35 odd, 42,43,47,54
Section 15.8 #3-17 odd, 18,19,25,30,40
The first exam is on Wednesday September 19th, in class. It will cover all of Chapter 15. Here are some extra
review problems for the exam and their
Assignment 6 (due 9/28) Section 16.1 #1,5,9,12,17
Section 16.2 #3-21 odd, 25,28,30,31,35
Assignment 7 (due 10/5) Section 16.3 #3,5,11,13,15,22,28,42,45,52,61
Section 16.4 #5,8,11,14,17,20,22,25,31,35
Assignment 8 (due 10/15) Section 16.6 #5-19 odd, 34,51
Section 16.7#3,9,15,17,19,21,22,28
Assignment 9 (due 10/22) Section 16.8 #3,16,20,21,23,25,27,29a,39
Exam 2 is on Friday October 19 in class. It will cover all of sections 16.1-16.4 and 16.6-16.8 except the applications in 16.6 on p. 1032-1033.
Here are some review problems and their
Assignment 10 (due 10/29) Section 17.1 #11-18, 21, 24, 33
Section 17.2 #3,5,7,11,13,19,21,36(just find mass),41,45,46
Assignment 11 (due 11/5) Section 17.3 #2,3,4,13,15,18,22,29-32
Section 17.4 #1,3,7,9,10,13,14,17,18
Assignment 12 (due 11/12) Section 17.5 #1,8,15,16,20
Section 17.6 #3,13-18 (just match, do not need to write explanation), 22,23,35,37,41,42,47
Assignment 13 (due 11/19) Section 17.7 #5,11,15,18,19,21,25
Exam 3 is on Monday November 19 in class. It will cover sections 17.1-17.7. Here are some
review problems and an
answer key as well as more detailed
Assignment 14 (due 11/30) Section 17.8 #3,6,7,9,10,16,17
Assignment 15 (due 12/7) Section 17.9 #3,5,7,12,13,17,18
Final Exam Information:
Section 001 (MWF 2:30-3:20): The final exam is Thursday December 13 from 4:30-6:30 PM in PHSC 321.
Section 004 (MWF 11:30-12:20): The final exam is Friday December 14 from 1:30-3:30 PM in PHSC 321.
You will be allowed one 8.5 by 11 inch sheet of notes with you on the exam. You can write on both the front and back. Your note sheet will be collected with the exam.
There will be a review session on Wednesday December 12 from 1:30-3:30 PM in PHSC 201. Bring questions!
Office hours during finals week will be Monday 1-3, Thursday 2-4, and by appointment.
Here are some review problems and an
answer key. Here are the
Since the original posting, typos have been fixed on problems 6b,8,12,21,24 of the review (as of 12/9).
Here are solutions to the final exam. There are two versions, the
Thursday version and the
Friday version.