Course Exams

Note: More information will be added as the exam dates near

Exam 1: Wed Sep 28, in class

The first exam will cover Chapter 2 and Section 3.2 from the text. Here is a list of

Practice Problems

Please bring any questions you have to class Monday or office hours Tuesday.

Exam 2: Fri Nov 11, in class

The second exam will cover Sections 3.2 - 3.10 of the text. Here is a list of

Practice Problems

you should try on your own before class Wed. After you work out the problems, check your answers with the text and my list of

Selected Answers

Please bring any questions you may have to class Wednesday or office hours that week.

Final Exam: Rsday Dec 15, 8-10am (PHSC 363)

The final exam will cover all material from class (through 4.4 of the text). I recommend you prepare for the exam by studying your old exams, homeworks and previous practice problem sheets. After you have done this, try the

Final Exam Practice Problems

like a mock exam (on your own, but without a time limit). Make sure you can do each problem, or similar ones, on your own before the final exam. You can check some of your answers with my

Selected Hints and Answers