As part of my duties at the University of Oklahoma I teach and advise both undergraduate and graduate students. Students in my current courses can find everything they need by going to Canvas. Please contact me directly if you would like additional information about my teaching.
Research With Undergraduate Students
I frequently advise undergraduate students on research projects. If you are a hard working, enthusiastic, and self-motivated student with an interest in math, feel free to contact me about potential research projects. Here are my most recent undergraduate research collaborators:
- Sam Heard (2019-2022)
Sam worked on a project to describe the change of basis matrix between two combinatorial bases of Specht modules labeled by two-row partitions for Hecke algebras. The result was a paper we co-authored which is now submitted to a research journal. See my Research page for details. Sam is a graduate student in mathematics at Notre Dame. - Teresa Ratashak (2012-2014)
Used the PageRank algorithm to rank PhD programs in mathematics by where their students obtained jobs. Her honors thesis can be found here and the full rankings can be found here. - Timothy "Rhyker" Benavidez (2011-2014)
Studied the rate of growth of the number of elements of length k in the symmetric group on n letters as a function of n. The length functions considered are ones relevant to problems in mathematical biology and the famous Pancake Problem. His honors thesis can be found here. - Eric Leung (2013-2014)
Collaborated with Rhyker Benavidez. In particular, he studied the qualitative structure of the data obtained by Rhyker. - William Goldenberg (2012-2013)
Studied Lie algebras, quantum groups, and the combinatorics of crystal graphs. His honors thesis can be found here. - Lauren Lajos (2011-2013)
Studied the use of Hidden Markov Models on the problem of backtranslation (inverting the not-one-to-one function DNA --> RNA) in the case of Arabidopsis thaliana. Her honors thesis can be found here. - Patrick Orchard (2009-2011)
Investigated the universal finite type knot invariants given by the weight system on the Lie algebra of type C2. With Logan Maingi we also investigated them for the Lie algebra of type A2 and the Lie superalgebra gl(2|2). His honors thesis can be found here. - Logan Maingi (2009-2012)
Investigated the universal finite type knot invariants given by the weight system on the Lie algebra of type type A2 and the Lie superalgebra gl(2|2). After that he worked on problems coming from mathematical biology.
Oftentimes I organize a vertically integrated research group involving both undergraduate and graduate students. A number of the above projects were done as part of one of these groups. Past graduate students involved in these groups include Jennifer Holt, Oreoluwa Adekoya, Alyssa Leone.
The OU Math Club
The OU Mathematics Department sponsors the OU Math Club. It's an informal group for any OU undergraduates who are interested in math. This includes math majors as well as people who major in physics, engineering, computer science, and even history and dance! All are welcome!
They meet roughly every other Wednesday evening during the school year. Past events include watching the film Fermat's Room, taking tours of the OU Supercomputer Center and the National Weather Center, math talks by OU faculty and visitors (like Frank Morgan, Francis Su, and Kresimir Josi), career information talks by Christine Jerritts, FBI, CIA, First Bank and Trust, MSCI, and more!
If you are interested in the mathematical goings-on at the University of Oklahoma, click on the OU Math Club logo: