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Bang-Yen Chen: Some optimal inequalities for Lagrangian submanifolds in complex space
Abstract: In the first part of my talk, I will explain my motivation to introduce the notions of δ-invariants on Riemannian manifolds and of ideal immersions; present some optimal inequalities involving the δ-invariants for isometric immersions; and provide some of their applications. In the second part of my talk, I will present some recent joint results with Franki Dillen, Alicia Prieto-Martin, Jeori Van der Veken and Luc Vrancken concerning improved optimal inequalities for Lagrangian submanifolds in complex space forms involving the δ-invariants
Jui-Tang Chen: Liouville properties for p-harmonic maps
Abstract: In this talk, I will present some recent results in the study of p-harmonic maps on a complete noncompact manifold M with a weighted Poincare inequality such that the Ricci curvature of M has a lower bound depending on the weight function. We derive the Bochner's formula for solutions of a perturbed p-Lapace equation, obtain sharp Kato's inequality, and prove Liouville type theorem for weakly p-harmonic function with finite p-energy on M. This, in particular, yields information on topology, i.e. M has one p-hyperbolic end. We also prove the Liouville type theorems for p-harmonic functions with finite q-energy, and extend them to p-harmonic morphisms and conformal maps. This is joint work with Shu-Cheng Chang and Shihshu Walter Wei.
Chenxu He: Warped product Einstein structure
Abstract : We will consider the classical problem of trying to find warped product metrics with a fixed base that are also Einstein. There are by now many such examples and some of them are quite surprising. We'll indicate a new construction where the base is an arbitrary algebraic Ricci soliton. This is a joint work with Peter Petersen and William Wylie.
Ralph Howard: Tangent Cones and Regularity of Convex Sets
Abstract: Let X be a locally closed subset of Rn so that all the tangent cones (in the sense of Federer), TpX , are affine hyperplanes of Rn, the dependence on p is continuous, and the measure theoretic multiplicity at each point is at most m < 3/2. Then X is an embedded C1 hypersurface of Rn. As applications it is shown (1) any convex real analytic hypersurface of Rn is C1 and (2) if X is real algebraic, strictly convex, and unbounded, then it is a graph of a C1 function over a hyperplane. This is joint work with Mohammad Ghomi.
Lan-Hsuan Huang: Positive mass theorems and scalar curvature problems
Abstract: More than 30 years ago, Schoen-Yau and later Witten made major breakthroughs in proving the positive mass theorem. It has become one of the most important theorems in general relativity and differential geometry. In the first part of the talk, I will introduce the positive mass theorem and present our recent work that extends the classical three-dimensional results to higher dimensions. In the second part, I will discuss how the observation from general relativity enables us to solve classical geometric problems related to the scalar curvature.
Weiping Li: Poincare-Hopf type formula for Chern character
Abstract: For two comlpex vector bundles admitting a homomorphism with isolated singularities between them, we establish a Poincare-Hopf type formula for the difference of the Chern character number of these two vector bundles. As a consequence, we extend the original Poincare-Hopf index formula to the case of complex vector fields. This is a joint work with Huitao Feng and Weiping Zhang.
Xiang-Dong Li: Riesz transforms and Lp-Hodge decomposition on complete Riemannian manifolds
Abstract: In this talk, we present some recent results in the study of the Lp-Hodge decomposition on complete Riemannian manifolds. As applications, we prove some vanishing theorems of the Lp-cohomology on complete Riemannian manifolds, and establish some Lpestimates and existence theorems of the Cauchy-Riemann operator on complete Kahler manifolds. A probabilistic approach to the Riesz transforms and Riesz potential play an important role.
Ye Li: Recent progress on geometric inequalities on Riemannian manifolds and complex manifolds with applications
Abstract: I will report some recent progress on geometric inequalities on Riemannian manifolds and complex manifolds with applications. As a consequence, we introduce the notion of certain Banach spaces, and obtain generalized Cafferelli-Kohn-Nirenberg type and Hardy type inequalities on Riemannian manifolds for functions in these Banach spaces. We also give counter-examples of certain Hardy-type inequalites for smooth functions with compact support under a curvature assumption. Some applications to p-harmonic geometry will be discussed. This is based on joint work with Jui-Tang Chen and Shihshu Walter Wei, and joint work with Shihshu Walter Wei.
Xiaochun Rong: Continuity of extremal transitions and flops for Calabi-Yau manifolds
Abstract: We will discuss the behavior of Ricci-flat Kähler metrics on Calabi-Yau manifolds under algebraic geometric surgeries: extremal transitions or flops. We will prove a version of Candelas and de la Ossas conjecture: Ricci-flat Calabi-Yau manifolds related by extremal transitions and flops can be connected by a path consisting of continuous families of Ricci-flat Calabi-Yau manifolds and a compact metric space in the Gromov-Hausdorff topology. This is joint work with Yuguang Zhang.
Jan Segert: Geometric Completions of Isomonodromic Deformations
Abstract: We study global aspects of the correspondence between isomondromic deformations and solutions of the Painleve VI ODE. Any solution of Painleve VI extends to a meromorphic function on a covering space of the projective line with three points removed. We are interested in algebraic solutions of Painleve VI, which live on finitely-sheeted covering spaces. We show that there exist isomondoromic deformations that are not globally isomorphic but that correspond to the same algebraic solution of Painleve VI. We discuss some parallels between isomonodromic deformations and moduli stacks of algebraic curves.
Christina Sormani: The Positive Mass Theorem, the Penrose Inequality and the Intrinsic Flat Distance
Abstract: The Schoen-Yau Positive Mass Theorem states that an asymptotically flat 3 manifold with nonnegative scalar curvature has positive ADM mass unless the manifold is Euclidean space. Here we examine sequences of such manifolds whose ADM mass is approaching 0. We assume the sequences have no interior minimal surfaces although we do allow them to have boundary if it is a minimal surface as is assumed in the Penrose inequality. It is known that such sequences need not converge in the smooth sense (as can be seen with a sequence of Schwarzschild spaces). Nor do they converge in the Gromov-Hausdorff sense (due to the possible existence of thin deep gravity wells). We conjecture that they do converge to Euclidean space in the pointed Intrinsic Flat sense for a well chosen sequence of points. The Intrinsic Flat Distance, introduced in joint work with Stefan Wenger, can be estimated using filling manifolds which allow one to control thin wells and small holes. Here we present joint work with Dan Lee constructing such filling manifolds explicitly and proving the conjecture in the rotationally symmetric case. We also discuss sequences of manifolds approaching equality in the Penrose Inequality, techniques that can be used to control the intrinsic flat distance, key examples in the nonrotationally symmetric case and open problems related to the conjecture stated above.
Changyou Wang: Energy identity for approximate biharmonic maps and their applications.
Abstract: In this talk I will discuss some recent works on the bubbling phenomena for approximate biharmonic maps in dimension 4. For general target manifolds, we obtain an energy identiy for weakly convergent sequences of approximate biharmonic maps whose bitension fields are bounded in Lp for p > 4/3, which can be improved to p > 1 when the target manifold is a round sphere. An application, the energy identity is obtained the heat flow of biharmonic maps at the time t = ∞.
Shihshu Walter Wei: Curvature, Criticality, Convervation Laws, and Unity in p-Harmonic Geometry
Abstract: The laws of nature often provide information about curvature properties. Nature also endowed us with elegant symmetry, criticality, and minimal principle, and cherishes energy so much as to conserve them. As a unifying concept, p-harmonic geometry cuts across all mathematics. Examples of p-harmonic maps include: elementary functions such as exponential, logarithmic, trignometric, and polynomial functions, linear transformations, analytic functions, geodesics, isometries, isometric minimal immersions, Riemannian submersions with minimal fibers, harmonic maps, conformal maps , Hopf fibrations, holomorphic maps, etc. Most recently, Marques and Neves' proof of the Willmore Conjecture requires a clever use of a 3-harmonic map to transform Willmore functional on the space of surfaces in R3 to Area functional on the space of minimal surfaces in S3. Here minimal surfaces in S3 are p-harmonic maps for every p > 1. We'll discuss recent work on Curvature, Criticality, Convervation Laws, and Unity in p-Harmonic Geometry, their interconnectedness, applications, and related problems.
Henry Wente: The Analysis of Bifurcations and Symmetry-breaking Phenomena for Problems in Capillary Theory
Abstract: We study examples of liquid drops in contact with a solid. Equilibrium is determined by the surface tensions (and possibly the gravitational potential). Our primary experiment is that of a liquid drop with bounding surface of annular type spanning two coaxial circles and lying in parallel planes. There is a bifurcation away from the critical nodoids. The nature of the bifurcation depends on the ratio (r/d) where r is the radius of the bounding circle and d is the distance between the planes of the circles. Other examples will also be discussed.
Damin Wu: Recent development on quadratic bisectional curvature
Abstract: I shall first recall the condition of nonnegative quadratic bisectional curvature, which was introduced by Yau, Zheng, and myself to construct smooth representatives for nef cohomology classes. I will survey some recent different proofs for our result. Then, I will compare the curvature condition with some known condition such as nonnegative orthogonal bisectional curvature, by constructing various geometric examples and studying the constant rank theorems. This is based on the joint work with Qun Li and Fangyang Zheng
Lina Wu: The Equivalence between a harmonic form and a closed co-closed form under some appropriate growth estimates
Abstract: It is well-known that on a compact Riemannian manifold, a differential form ω is closed (i.e. dω=0) and co-closed (i.e. dω=0) if and only if it is harmonic (i.e. Δω=(dd+dd)ω=0). On a complete noncompact Riemannian manifold, A.Andreotti and E.Vesentini proved the equivalence between a differential harmonic form and a closed co-closed differential form in Lq space for q=2. In this talk, we will discuss the equivalence between a harmonic form and a closed co-closed form on a complete noncompact Riemannian manifold that is not necessarily in L2 space and is not necessarily in Lq space for any q≠2. We generalize the work of A.Andreotti and E.Vesentini, and improve a result of Yau. This is joint work with Shihshu Walter Wei.
Paul Yang: Compactness of conformally compact Einstein metrics in 3+1 dimension
Abstract: In this talk I describe the joint work with A. Chang and S. Chen about the compactness question. The more recent work is the description of the blowup limit, in which some delicate analysis involving the use of quasiconformal maps.
Jiazu Zhou: On planar algebraic integral geometry
Abstract: In this talk, we will introduce how do we estimate the translative containment measure for a planar convex body bounded by an oval convex curve to contain the translative copy of another convex body of same type via the method of planar algebraic integral geometry. Then we can obtain the known Minkowski inequality for the mixed area of two convex bodies and some Bonnesen-style symmetric mixed isohomothetic inequalities from the translative containment measure obtained. School