Math 2423 Honors Calculus II
Fall 2002
Important dates and facts
Office Hours: Mon. 2:00-3:00,
Wed. 1:30-2:30, Thu. 1:00-2:00 |
Quiz I: Solutions |
Midterm I: Solutions |
Quiz II: Tuesday, October 15 |
Midterm II: Solutions |
Quiz III: Tuesday, Nobember 19 |
Midterm III: Due on Tuesday, December 3 |
Final Examination: Thursday, December 19, 8:00am-10:00am in
Gittinger 326. |
Course Handouts
Most Recent are at the top!
Finals Week Office Hours: Tue. 2-4 and Wed 12-2.
Check out
and elsewhere.
Due last week of class on Tuesday.
- Page 435: Q78*
- Pages 644, 645: Q4, 8*, 14*, 17, 18
- Do the needle problem.* (posed and started in class).
Throw the
needle about 10 to 20 times and get an estimate for pi.*
[13]. Due Thursday, December 5.
- Section 9.2: 30, 31, 35, 36
[12]. Due Tuesday , November 26.
- Section 8.8: *10, 14, 17, *25, 39, *40, 51, 65
- Section 9.1: 8, *12, 16, *17, 31, 32
Quiz III on Tuesday will ask you to do
one of the following integrals from 8.5:
4, 6, 20, 32, 38, 41, 45, 69, 73
[11]. Due Tuesday, November 19.
- Section 8.4: 14, *16, 32, *42, *50
- Section 8.5: 43, *44, *56, 72, 74
[10]. Due Tuesday, November 12.
- Section 8.2: 17, *20, *28, 32, 40, *42, 46
- Section 8.3: 2, *6, 20, 22, 23, *34, 39
Due to popular demand....
Midterm II is on Thursday Oct 31, instead of Tuesday Oct 29.
It covers Chapter 7 and section 8.1 of the text. But be sure to
know about volumes, areas etc.
[9]. Due on Tuesday, October 29.
- Section 7.7: *56, 61, 63, *85, 91, 92
- Section 8.1: 4, *6, *10, *30, 59, 60, 61, 62 [These last 4 go together!]
[8]. Due on Tuesday, October 22.
- Section 7.5: 20, *32, 34, 45, *65, *68, 69, 78
- Section 7.6: 39, 41, *52, 54, *56, 59, *60, 61
[7]. Homeworks due on Tuesday, October 15.
- Section 7.4: 10, *12, 16, *18, 28, *32, 44, 48, *50, *66, 75, *76, 78
[6]. Homeworks due on Tuesday, October 8.
- Section 7.2: 38, *40, 42, 44, *50, 51, *64, 72, 74
- Section 7.3: 26, *28, 32, 34, *38, 54, 56, 60, *66, 67
[5]. Homeworks due on Tuesday, October 1.
- Section 7.1: 1, 19, *20, *26, 29, 30, 35, *36, *44, *49
[4]. Homeworks due on Tuesday, September 24.
- Section 6.1: 44, *46, 49
- Section 6.2: 31, *46, *62, 63, 69
- Section 6.3: 24, 25, *44
- Section 6.5: *15, 18, *22
[3]. Homeworks due on Tuesday, September 17.
- Section 5.4: 21, 22, 26, 50, 51
- Section 5.5: 17, 18, 22, 30, 37, 38
Remember that Extra Homeworks I are due in class on
September 24.
[2]. Homeworks due on Tuesday, September 10.
- Section 5.2: 47, 48, 61, 62, 64.
- Section 5.3: 42, 44, 46, 54, 55, 62.
[1]. Homeworks due on Tuesday, September 3.
- Section 5.1: 5, 18, 19, 20
- Derive (as we did in class for the sum of squares) the formula
used in Q20(b).
- Derive a formula for the sum of the first n 4th powers of the positive