Venue: All talks will take place in PHSC 108. Tea will be served in PHSC 424.
Friday October 13
OU Math Department events
3:00 Tea
3:30 Colloquium: Ellen Eischen, Creating Clarity from Confusion: Three Lessons from Number Theory
TORA events
4:45 Registration
5:30 Graduate student prep session - Led by Jonathan Cohen and Debanjana Kundu
Saturday October 14
9:00 John Bergdall, p-adic slope distributions for modular forms
9:30 Raghuram, Why do cusp forms exist?
10:30 Tea
11:00 Debanjana Kundu, λ-invariant stability in Families of Modular Galois Representations
11:30 Speed TORA I
12:00 Lunch
2:00 Rahul Dalal, Computing Statistics of Automorphic Representations
3:00 Pan Yan, Product of Rankin-Selberg convolutions and a new proof of Jacquet's local converse conjecture
3:30 Tea
4:00 Speed TORA II
5:00 Graduate student Q&A session
6:00 Banquet, Oklahoma Memoral Union, Associates Room (on campus)
Sunday October 15
9:00 Jonathan Cohen, Invariant vectors in depth-zero supercuspidal representations of GSp(4)
9:30 Ellen Eischen, Algebraic and p-adic aspects of L-functions, with a view toward Spin L-functions for GSp_6
10:30 Tea
11:00 Yangbo Ye, Bounds toward Hypothesis S for cusp forms
11:30 Mike Hanson, Ramanujan congruences for overpartitions with restricted odd differences
12:00 Farewell/Lunch