Course Information for Calculus II (MATH 2423 - 010) - Fall 2015

Please read this page carefully. You will be responsible for all the information given here, and for any modifications to it that may be announced in class. Any such modifications will be made on the course webpage.

Text: The textbook for this course is Calculus, (7th edition), by James Stewart. (Note: the text for Calc II will change to the 8th edition next semester.) The course covers Chapters 4-7 (Integral Calculus with Transcendental Functions), with selected applications from Chapters 8-9 of the text.

Instructor: Kimball Martin

Office: 924 Physical Sciences Center
Phone: 325-3537
Office hours: Wednesday 9:30-11am and by appointment
Course webpage:
TAs: Manami Roy (11, 12), Chloe Keith (13, 15), Thomas Lane (14, 16)

Contact note: First, read this. Even though I may send periodic emails from my university ( email address, I do not check it nearly as frequently as my department ( address. Thus you are advised to use the address above when contacting me if you want a timely response.

Prerequisites: MATH 1823 (Calculus I) or equivalent. It will be hard to succeed in this course without reasonable competence in pre-calculus material as well as Differential Calculus. If, for whatever reason, you are enrolled in this course but do not feel comfortable with the prerequisite material (e.g., the review problems in the first homework), please see me as soon as possible.

Class Participation: Class participation (e.g., asking questions) is highly encouraged. It is not only helpful for you and other students, but it also helps me understand what you are thinking and makes class more enjoyable. In addition to asking questions in class or discussion sections, you are encouraged to come to office hours or visit the Math Center (payed for by your fees).

Discussion Section: All students in this class must be enrolled in one of the no-credit discussion sections (11-16) for this course.

Attendance: Regular attendance of lecture and discussion sections is strongly recommended and figures into the final grade (see below). Attendance will be taken at weekly discussion sections as well as most lectures. For lecture attendance, roughly 10-15 students (rotating by last name, to be specified in the previous lecture) will be asked to report attendance to the instructor before the start of lecture. This is partly to help you stay on track with the course and partly to help me learn your names. The system will be explained in more detail in class. (For grading purposes, each lecture attendance will count as twice one discussion session attendence.)

While you need not contact me about having to miss a single class (unless it involves an exam or is an attendance day), if you must miss several classes/discussion sections due to unavoidable circumstances, please inform me as well as your TA. If you have a valid reason for missing a lecture attendance day (resp. discussion section), please inform me (resp. your TA) in advance.

Homework: Homework is, in my opinion, the most important part of the course. Homework is where you really learn the material. You should expect written homework every week, usually due each Friday at the start of class, and you should plan to spend roughly 6 hours each week on work out of class. Each homework assignment will be posted on the homework page, typically by the end of the day the Friday before it is due.

Homeworks may also include bonus questions. These will typically (though not necessarily) be more challenging questions you can submit with the written assignment for bonus points.

Homework Policies: Turning in an assignment means that, to the best of your knowledge and ability, you honestly abided by the following. Unless stated otherwise, you may not use calculators, computers, etc (including the web), other texts or solutions manuals to find the answers; however you are allowed to use these resources to check your answers before submission. Collaboration is allowed, and even encouraged, though you should earnestly try to solve each problem on your own before learning from someone else. However, you must write up (not copy) your solutions by yourself, in your own words. If in doubt on the policies, please ask. Late homework is not accepted, except in extenuating circumstances at the discretion of the instructor. (If you have cannot turn in an assignment on time due to another approved scheduled activity, please contact me in advance.)

Examinations: There will be two in-class exams and a final during the final examination period. The in-class examinations are at present scheduled for Fri Oct 2 and Fri Nov 20. The final exam is Wed Dec 16 from 10:30-12:30pm. Topics covered on the exam will be posted on the course website. You may not use notes, texts, calculators, computers or other references during the exams. Make-up exams are not given except in extenuating circumstances.

Grades: It is always better to focus on learning the material and understanding the homework than to worry about grades. If you do this, and put forth a sincere effort in the class, your grade should not be an issue. This course is meant to be challenging and educational, but not stressful. If you ever find yourself worried about your grade or how you are doing in the course, please come see me. Please don't wait until the end of the term to do this.

The grades will be computed as follows. A raw score is computed for you, which is

10% Attendance
25% Homework
10% Midterm 1
20% Midterm 2
35% Final

Preliminary letter grades will be assigned to raw numeric scores according to the table:

A 89-100
B 78-88
C 67-77
D 56-66
F 0-55

Then I may adjust your final letter grade individually for such things as bonus points, attendance/participation, consistently good homeworks, or improvement throughout the term. To get an idea of where you stand, average numeric scores to date will be available to you on D2L after the first and second midterm exams. (Caution: these partial cumulative averages will necessarily be skewed because of the way the grade items are weighted. I will say more about this in lecture when these averages are released.)

Withdrawal Policy: Through Sep 4, there is no record of a grade for dropped courses. From Sep 8 through Oct 2, you may withdraw and receive a grade of W, regardless of your performance to date. From Oct 5 to Oct 30, you must come see me if you wish to drop the course. You may receive a W if you then have a passing grade in the course. From Nov 2 to Dec 11, withdrawing is a more serious matter, and you must consult with the Dean.

Grade of Incomplete: The grade of I is a special-purpose grade given when a specific task needs to be completed to finish the coursework. This is typically a term paper or other special assignment, so rarely makes sense in a mathematics course. An I cannot be given to avoid receiving a low grade.

Academic Misconduct: If cases of academic misconduct arise, they will be dealt with according to (rather strict) University policies. Remember that you responsible for knowing and adhering to the University guidelines for academic integrity:

as well as the student code:

Religious Holidays: It is the policy of the University to excuse the absences of students that result from religious observances and to provide without penalty for the rescheduling of examinations and additional class work that may fall on religious holidays. Please contact me well in advance if you must miss a scheduled exam or assignment due date for such reasons.

Students with Disabilities: If you have a disability that may interfere with the demonstration of your abilities, please contact me as soon as possible to arrange accomodations necessary to ensure your full participation in the course. You should also contact the Office of Disability Services, Goddard Health Center, Suite 166 (325-3852 or TDD 325 4173).

Final Remark: Bear in mind that the course polices are put in place for solely your benefit. Please to not hesitate to ask me if you have any questions about these policies.

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