math capstone assignments

Guidelines: While you are welcome to work on assignments together and use resources such as books and websites to help you figure out solutions or check your work, all assignments turned in should be written by yourself, including any computer code. Further, your solutions and code should not be copied from any references or other people's work. In summary, your solutions should represent your understanding of the assignments.

For programming problems: Please provide a printout of your source code, input and output. When appropriate, include comments/explanation and a summary of your answer.


Homework 1 (Due Fri 8/31, in class)

  1. Read the above guidlines.
  2. Figure out how to get Python 2.7 running, either on a personal computer or a university computer. (We are not using Python 3, because there are some things we may want to use later which are not yet compatible with Python 3.) Go through Sections 1-4 of the tutorial.
  3. Write a function in Python which takes in an adjacency matrix A for a graph with vertices 1,2,..., n, and prints a list of all edges. Here we represent a matrix as a list of the row vectors, e.g.,

    A = [ [0,1,0,0,1], [1,0,0,1,0], [0,0,0,0,1], [0,1,0,0,1], [1,0,1,1,0] ]

    Then your function should print the following list of edges (order and formatting may be slightly different):

    {1,2}, {1,5}, {2,4}, {3,5}, {4,5}.

    Turn in a print out of your source code together and the output from testing it on the above example.

  4. Complete the determination of all graphs on 5 vertices up to isomorphism (you do not need to write a proof), say how many there are, and draw them all.

Homework 2 (Due Fri 9/7, in class)

Note: you may use any code you have written for previous assignments in your current assignment (both for Homework 2 and subsequent homeworks).

  1. Write a function called nvert(A) in Python which takes in an adjacency matrix and returns the number of vertices.
  2. Write a function called nedge(A) in Python which takes in an adjacency matrix and returns the number of edges.
  3. Write a function called iskreg(A,k) in Python which takes in an adjacency matrix an a number k and returns True if the graph for A is k-regular and False otherwise.
  4. Write a function called isreg(A) in Python which takes in an adjacency matrix and returns True if the graph is regular and False otherwise.
  5. Test your functions on several A's and k's.
  6. For n=5,6,7 and 8, can you construct a graph which is 4-regular and 4-connected? Do you think this is possible for any n>4?

Homework 3 (Due Fri 9/21, in class)

  1. Write a recursive function in Python, called binom(n,k), which returns the binomial coefficient "n choose k" for any nonnegative integers n and k. Here the recursion should make use of method of adding two adjacent entries of Pascal's triangle to get an element of the next row. Determine the number of steps required to run your algorithm in terms of n in the worst case scenario. Test your function on several inputs. Compare the running time of this algorithm with the method of computing n choose k as a quotient of factorials.
  2. Write a function in Python, called binrep(n), which given a nonnegative integer n, prints out the binary representation of n. Test your function on several inputs. (There are various ways to do this---one way is to use bit operations---here the you may find the command & useful.)
  3. For a fixed natural number d, pick three random d-digit positive integers x, n and m. Try computing x^n mod m in Python via the native command x ** n % m as well as with our recursive modexp function using repeated squaring (see my coding solutions below for an instance of the code). For what values of d do each of these algorithms become slow (i.e., take a long time to compute on your computer)?

Homework 4 (Due Fri 10/5, in class)

  1. In Python, using the built-in module, write a function randlist(m,n) which returns a list of n random numbers between 0 and m. Test it.
  2. In Python, write a function is_sorted(list), which, given a list of integers, returns True if the list is sorted in decreasing order, and False otherwise. Test it on several sorted and unsorted randoms lists. (Use your randlist function above and sorting function below to make sorted random lists.)
  3. In Python, write functions lsearch(list,key) and bsearch(list, key) which perform linear and binary searches for the object "key" on a list of numbers. These functions should return the index (position) of key in the list if key is in the list, and -1 otherwise. Test these on several random sorted and unsorted lists.
  4. In Python, write an implementaion of implement bubblesort which prints the number of swaps made. Run this on several random lists of size 100, 200, 300, 400, 500 and 1000. What does this suggest about the average number of swaps required by bubblesort in terms of the size of the list?
  5. Go learn about a sorting algorithm (your choice) that runs in average case O(n log n) time. Explain the algorithm, with one or two examples. Then find existing or write your own Python code for this search algorithm and implement it in Python. By testing on random lists of various sizes, after what size of list does bubblesort perform noticably slower than this O(n log n) algorithm you chose?

Homework 5 (Due Mon 11/19, in class)

  1. Write a function randadjmat(n,p) in Python which returns an adjacency matrix for a "random graph" on n vertices. Here p is the probability of having an edge between any pair of vertices.
  2. Write a function transmat(A) which, given an adjacency matrix A, returns the transition matrix P.
  3. Using the ranadjmat(n,p) function, compute several examples of connected graphs on 5 and 6 vertices. Draw these graphs, and for each such graph, guess whether or not the stable distribution should exist and what it should be. Using the numpy.linalg (get it here) package to compute eigenvalues and eigenvectors, check to see if your guesses are correct.
  4. Again, using the numpy.linalg package, find the eigenvalues for many random graphs with n=20 and p = .2, .4, .6, .8 (at least 5 of each type---do more examples if you need to to answer the following question). Can you observe any trends in the largest and second largest (in absolute value) eigenvalues as p varies?


In this course, you will be required to do a project which involves a report as well as present to the class at the end of the semester. Your final report will be due at the final exam period. Each project should be different and involve a programming component. You are required to clear the topic with me well in advance, and consult with me on the details of the project. Here is a suggested list of topics which will be updated throughout the semester:

  • Design a network for a given scenario
  • Do a computational analysis of the traffic flows of certain graphs
  • Modeling behaviour of social networks [claimed: Ra]
  • The Konigsberg bridge problem and generalizations [claimed: Am]
  • The four color theorem [claimed: T]
  • The traveling salesman problem [claimed: E]
  • Random walks on graphs and Google's PageRank algorithm
  • Explain and implement RSA [claimed: J]
  • Analyze and implement factoring or primality test algorithms
  • Complexity classes (e.g., P versus NP) [claimed: D]
  • Random number generators [claimed: Ri]
  • Ranking algorithms [claimed: Al]
  • The chromatic polynomial [claimed: L]
Rough draft/outline due: November 28, in class

My coding solutions (so far)

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