Team Alpha
Scott Baker
Jennifer Holt (Team Captain)
Monica McDalton
Rebekah Smith
Team Bravo
James Broda (Team Captain)
David Lamoureux
Billy Smith
Jody Shackford
Team Omega
Riley Abel
Shawn Bass
Ben Harris
Kjell Sawyer
Joe Waterbury (Team Captain)
Your task is to plan a strike on enemy territory. For this, it is crucial that you obtain aerial images, however a flight into this territory is extremely risky. You can expect that a plane sent over will not return, and any transmissions it sends before crashing will be thoroughly garbled (transmitter jammed and/or damaged).
Design (or choose) and program the best code you can assuming you have a binary symmetric channel with error probability P=0.3. For ease of programming, we will work with bitmap images. Here is the image you are to use your code on, and here is code I have written that you may use. Your code may or may not be linear, but the information rate should be no less than 1/6.
First, use the ecc.corruptbmp() function from my code to see what your image looks like without an error-correcting code. Then encode the image, apply the noise with P=0.3 using my ecc.addbscnoise() function (you may skip the header if you wish--either before the encoding or while adding noise--as I do in the corruptbmp function). Then decode the image and compare to the original, and the garbled image without any error-correction.
The team with the best code will earn a bonus of 10 points.
The team with the second best code will earn a bonus of 5 points.