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Research Interests:
mapping class groups, discrete geometry, low-dimensional topology, geometric group theory
Here is a summary of all my papers and preprints listed below
Self-similar surfaces: involutions and perfection, with Jing Tao
On stable commutator length of non-filling curves in surfaces, with Max Forester
Arithmetic Quotients of the Automorphism Group of a Right-Angled Artin Group,
to appear in Groups, Geometry, and Dynamics
Ultrarigid Periodic Frameworks , preprint with Louis Theran
Simple closed curves, finite covers of surfaces, and power subgroups of Out(Fn) , with Andrew Putman, published in Duke Mathematical Journal (2019) arxiv
Pseudo-Anosov dilatations and the Johnson filtration , with Andrew Putman, published in Groups, Geometry, and Dynamics (2016) arxiv
Frameworks with forced symmetry I: Reflections and rotations , with Louis Theran, published in Discrete & Computational Geometry (2015) arxiv
Arithmetic quotients of the mapping class group , published in GAFA (2015) with Fritz Grunewald, Michael Larsen,
and Alexander Lubotzky arxiv
Frameworks with forced symmetry II: Orientation-preserving crystallographic groups , published in Geom. Ded. (2014),
with Louis Theran arxiv
Generic rigidity with forced symmetry and sparse colored graphs , chapter in Rigidity and Symmetry Fields Institute Communications Volume 70, 2014.
Topological designs , published in Geom. Ded. (2014), with Igor Rivin and Louis Theran arxiv
Generic combinatorial rigidity of periodic frameworks , published in Advances in Math. (2013), with Louis Theran
On Genericity of Pseudo-Anosovs in the Torelli Group , published in IMRN (2013), with Juan
Souto arxiv
On the self-intersections of curves deep in the lower central series of a surface group ,
published in Geom. Ded. (2010), with Andrew Putman arxiv
Pseudo-Anosov homeomorphisms and the lower central series of a surface group , published
in Algebraic and Geometric Topology (2007)